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Things to know as a Christian girl part two!!

Hey girls! I'm so so so sorry that I haven't posted in what feels like forever. I had, (and still have), a ton going on right now. I hope y'all have been thriving and growing in Christ. If you can't figure out from the title, this is the final post about things you should know and apply as a Christian lady. Let's get into it :)))


Ultimately, as a Christian whether girl or boy, we should constantly be focusing on our relationship with our Savior. Not only should we try to maintain a good relationship with Christ, but we should also be building and maturing the relationship. God will always reach out to us, but strong relationships take two people. We need to not only engage when Christ comes to us, but we need to go to Him. In every up and every down in life God should be the first person we go to. If you had a really crummy day and you feel lonely and lost, tell God He cares. If you had an awesome day, thank God, He provided that day for you. (Psalms 34-17-19), Deuteronomy 31:6), (Romans 8:38-39)


This is something that I have always struggled with to this day. As I'm maturing in my faith I'm realizing that it's okay to not fit into certain groups. If a group of people talk about and indulge in worldly things then sometimes it's better that you don't fit in. I know how difficult it can be to feel like an outsider because your "not like them", but would you rather be an outsider on earth or not make it into the pearly gates? Live like Christ and chose not to participate in secular activities.

(John 15, 19), Romans 12:1-2), (1 John 2:15-17), (Matthew 16:26)


Christ didn't die so you could hide Him. If you have a way to save people from eternal punishment and torment you would be such a terrible person if you didn't share the way of escape to others. The gospel shouldn't be something hidden in our lives. We have good news and we are commanded to share it with everyone. Just because you might be labeled "different" or "weird" or "Jesus freak", doesn't mean that we should tremble and refuse to obey God. The Great Commission is a command not a suggestion. (Matthew 28:16-20), Hebrews 11:16), (Isaiah 50:7), (2 Timothy 1:8), (1 Peter 4:16)


This kinda goes off of what I just said lol. I think there is a great misconception in American Christianity. A lot of American Christians think that spreading the gospel is a missionary's job. Although that is true, it's a personal responsibility of every Christian. There is a quote I like and I'm not sure who said it but it says your mission field is where your feet are. You should be reaching out to the people in your life. You could be the only bible someone reads...the only Christian someone encounters. Wouldn't it be amazing to get to heaven and see someone there because you obeyed God and told them the good news? (Matthew 28:16-20), (Romans 10:15), (Mark 13:10)


I know this sounds really cliché, but for real God has great plans for you. Don't give up because when you give up on life your giving up on the unique plans that God has for your individual life. God will direct your paths and He has your best interest in store. Listen and allow God to guide you and be perseverant and you will do great things for the kingdom.

(2 Chronicles 15:7), (1 Corinthians 15:58), (Jeremiah 29:11), (Psalms 37:23-24)


I cannot stress how true this is. You will be influenced by your peers. If you hang out with other Christians you will become stronger in your faith. If you hang out with unbelievers, you will weakened in your faith. I'm not saying don't ever talk to an unbeliever or be friends with and unbeliever, I'm saying don't be super close friends with someone that isn't a Christian. This is a trap a lot of teen girls fall into. Your at the age of wanting to be accepted by any and everyone. You start hanging out with the "cool kids" who are not Christians. You get close with them and start trying to be like them to maintain y'all's friendship and pretty soon you'll find yourself doing things you never thought you do. You start spending time with God less and less and eventually you turn from Him completely. It's a very sad thing and I've seen many of my old friends fall into this trap. I beg of you to not fall into it as well. (1 Corinthians 15:33), (Proverbs 18:24), (Proverbs 13:20) , (Proverbs 27:17)


Prayer is so very important. Without daily conversations with the Christ I don't know how you can get through the ups and downs of life. I always feel like I could pray more and that's something I think I can always increase. There's another quote I like and it says, to be a Christian without prayer is no more possible to be alive without breathing. Think of prayer as a phone call with the creator of the universe. If you ever need anything, wouldn't you call Him? If you ever just wanted to talk to someone or tell them how your day is going, wouldn't you call the maker of heaven and earth? (Philippians 4:6), (Colossians 4:6), (Psalms 145:18), (James 5:13)


Thank you for supporting my blog. My prayer is that y'all not only read this but use this to strengthen and grow your faith. May y'all be filled with the grace of God and have a blessed rest of your week. I love each and every one of y'all and so does Jesus. Hope to write to y'all again soon. Until then, God be with you :)))

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